Welcome to "Mississippi Reads"

Welcome to the place for celebrating Mississippi authors and those within the Magnolia State who support them and other great books. Conversations Book Club is excited to provide this resource that covers all genres and backgrounds of Mississippi talent. Also look for those who we bring to the state to introduce their work to readers.

In-person meetings for "Mississippi Reads" take place at Appetizers Restaurant (3000 Hwy 80 E) in Pearl, MS. For more information contact Cyrus Webb at cawebb4@juno.com or 601.896.5616. (Twitter Hastag #MSReads)

Welcome to "Mississippi Reads"

Sunday, February 23, 2014

(Sat. March 1, 2014) Author Kelly Stone signs I DANCE FOR YOU @ Pearl Public Library (Pearl, MS)

Conversations Book Club is excited to invite Central Mississippi out to meet Mississippi's own Kelly Stone, author of I DANCE FOR YOU.

This will take place on Sat. March 1, 2014 from 1-3p.m. at the Pearl Public Library (2416 Old Brandon Road * Pearl, MS).

Stone will be signing books and meeting new readers during the event. Admission is free, however, books will be available for purchasing. Stay in touch with Ms. Stone at www.facebook.com/authorkellystone and www.twitter.com/authorkstone.

Recently Kelly Stone talked with Conversations LIVE about her literary journey. You can here the interview here: www.tinyurl.com/kellystoneinterview.

For more information about the event contact Cyrus Webb at cawebb4@juno.com or call 601.896.5616. You can also visit www.mississippireads.com.