Welcome to "Mississippi Reads"

Welcome to the place for celebrating Mississippi authors and those within the Magnolia State who support them and other great books. Conversations Book Club is excited to provide this resource that covers all genres and backgrounds of Mississippi talent. Also look for those who we bring to the state to introduce their work to readers.

In-person meetings for "Mississippi Reads" take place at Appetizers Restaurant (3000 Hwy 80 E) in Pearl, MS. For more information contact Cyrus Webb at cawebb4@juno.com or 601.896.5616. (Twitter Hastag #MSReads)

Welcome to "Mississippi Reads"

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

"Mississippi Reads" Shares Message to Indianola's Gentry High School

Though Mississippi has one of the highest rates of illiteracy in the nation one group is working to encourage the importance of reading and staying in school throughout 2013.
"Mississippi Reads" a chapter of Conversations Book Club, is using online and in-person events to promote the Magnolia State's own authors and talent but also showcasing the importance of reading. On Friday, January 25th "Mississippi Reads" will make a special stop at Gentry High School in Indianola, MS, marking the beginning of a monthly program and chapter of the reading group.
"It's been my pleasure to introduce and support our own authors and those making a difference," says Cyrus Webb, President and Founder of Conversations Book Club and "Mississippi Reads". He was invited by 11th Grade Counselor Victor White to begin a monthly reading group at the school, an offer that Webb readily accepted. "I'm excited about the opportunity to work with the students at Gentry High School, sharing not only my own passion for books but introducing them to individuals who have also seen the importance of the written word as well."
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White says that the desire of Gentry High School and its Principal Gared Watkins is to show the students what is possible for them. He believes that programs like "Mississippi Reads" is another step in that direction.
When Webb comes to Gentry High School Friday January 25th he will be accompanied by the Jackson-based Hip Hop group Next of Kindredz. They are a part of Webb's "Hip Hop and Books" coalition that promotes the importance of reading among lovers of Hip Hop music. The group will talk about their own personal journey with books and even perform their inspirational single RAIN N' SUNSHINE.
Webb will also be bringing with him copies of the book BRAGN (Be Real and Great Now) by Zenaida Roy-Almario, the first selection to be read by the high school chapter of "Mississippi Reads". The discussion of the book will take place on Friday, February 22nd at the school. (See www.berealandgreatnow.com )
You can contact Cyrus Webb at cawebb4@juno.com or 601.896.5616. For more information about the upcoming event and the work that Mississippi Reads is doing visitwww.mississippireads.com .

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